Join Tinker Bell and her fairy friends on a thrilling adventure in "Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy," the fifth enchanting installment in Disney's beloved animated series. When Zarina, the dust-keeper fairy, steals the powerful Blue Pixie Dust and allies with the Skull Rock pirates, Tinker Bell and her friends must embark on a daring mission to recover the dust and save Pixie Hollow. Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Mae Whitman, Christina Hendricks, Tom Hiddleston, and Anjelica Huston, this magical tale is perfect for family movie nights and Disney fans of all ages.
Release Information:
- Original Release Year: 2014
- Studio/Distributor: Disney
- Edition Type: Theatrical Cut
Feature Presentation:
- Runtime: 78 minutes
- Rating: G
- Genre: Animation, Adventure, Family
- Audio: English Dolby Digital 5.1
- Subtitles: English
Special Features:
- Deleted Scenes
- Behind-the-Scenes Featurettes
- Interactive Games
- Music Videos
Technical Specifications:
- Format: Blu-ray
- Region: Region Free
- Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
- Video Quality: 1080p Full HD
- Codec: AVC for Video, Dolby Digital for Audio
Cast & Crew:
- Director: Peggy Holmes
- Main Cast: Mae Whitman, Christina Hendricks, Tom Hiddleston, Anjelica Huston
Awards & Nominations:
- Annie Awards - Nominee for Best Animated Feature - 2015
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