Goku, the legendary Saiyan warrior from the iconic Dragon Ball Z series, reaches new heights of power in his Super Saiyan 2 form. This electrifying transformation is captured in stunning detail in this exclusive Funko Pop! vinyl figure, a must-have for any Dragon Ball Z collector.
Collectible Features:
- Officially licensed Dragon Ball Z merchandise
- Model Number: PREVIEWS Exclusive
- Dynamic pose with clear plastic energy effects
- 1/6 chance of glow-in-the-dark chase variant
- Special edition sticker on box
Product Specifications:
- Brand: Funko
- Series: Dragon Ball Z
- Character: Goku
- Model: Super Saiyan 2
- Material: Vinyl
- Color: Yellow, Red
- Dimensions: 5.08 x 3.81 x 10.16 cm
- Weight: 60 g
Display Information:
- Perfect for desk or shelf display
- Stackable window box design
- UV-resistant vinyl material
- Limited edition PREVIEWS exclusive
- Chase variant with glow-in-the-dark eyes and effects
Don't miss your chance to add this electrifying Super Saiyan 2 Goku to your collection - with a rare chase variant possibility, this figure is sure to be a prized possession for any Dragon Ball Z fan!
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売