Join Percy Jackson and his friends on an epic quest to save Camp Half-Blood in this thrilling sequel to "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief." Based on the beloved book series by Rick Riordan, this adventure-packed film takes viewers on a journey to find the legendary Golden Fleece and protect the camp from sinister forces. Perfect for fans of fantasy and mythology!
Feature Presentation:
- Runtime: 106 minutes
- Rating: PG
- Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
- Audio: German (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- Subtitles: German, English
Special Features:
- Behind-the-scenes featurettes
- Deleted scenes
- Director's commentary
- Interactive games
Technical Specifications:
- Format: DVD
- Region: Region 2
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Video Quality: 480p
Don't miss this exciting chapter in the Percy Jackson saga—add it to your collection today and relive the magic of Camp Half-Blood!
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売