Experience the mesmerizing journey of acclaimed composer Max Richter and his creative partner, Yulia Mahr, as they bring his eight-hour opus SLEEP to life in an open-air concert in Los Angeles. Directed by Emmy-nominated Natalie Johns, this documentary weaves together personal archives, performance footage from Berlin, Sydney, and Paris, and insightful contributions that explore the science and artistry behind this groundbreaking work.
Release Information:
- Original Release Year: 2020
- Edition Type: Theatrical Cut
Feature Presentation:
- Genre: Documentary, Music
- Audio: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- Subtitles: SDH Subtitles
Special Features:
- Exclusive Q&A with Max Richter & Yulia Mahr hosted by Edith Bowman
- Theatrical Trailer
Technical Specifications:
- Format: DVD
- Region: 2
- Video Quality: Standard Definition
Cast & Crew:
- Director: Natalie Johns
- Main Cast: Max Richter, Yulia Mahr
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売