Embark on a strategic journey through the seasons with Keyflower, a captivating board game designed by Richard Breese and Sebastian Bleasdale. Set in the medieval "Key" land, this game challenges players to build and manage their villages over four rounds, each representing a season. With a mix of bidding, resource management, and worker placement, Keyflower offers a unique and dynamic gameplay experience every time.
Game Features:
- Model Number: RDG00166
- Core gameplay mechanics: Bidding, resource management, worker placement
- Player count and age recommendation: 2-6 players, ages 12+
- Game duration: 90-120 minutes
- Component quality/special features: High-quality wooden meeples, hexagonal tiles, and skill tokens
What's in the Box:
- 64 large hexagonal turn order/boat/home and village tiles
- 48 small skill tokens
- 120 hexagonal wooden resource counters
- 141 wooden meeple-shaped workers
- 6 screens
Game Overview:
- Players start with a "home" tile and eight workers, using them to bid for tiles and generate resources
- Key strategic elements: Efficient use of workers, resource allocation, and tile acquisition
- Unique selling points: Seasonal gameplay, variable tile setup, and interactive player dynamics
Gather your friends and family for an engaging and strategic game night with Keyflower. Perfect for those who love deep strategy and interactive gameplay, this board game promises hours of fun and challenge.
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売