In this gripping thriller based on the novel by Robert Crais, Bruce Willis stars as Jeff Tally, a former Los Angeles hostage negotiator haunted by a tragic failure. Now the police chief of a quiet suburban town, Tally's past comes back to haunt him when a botched robbery leads to a high-stakes hostage situation. As Tally navigates the dangerous standoff, he discovers that the house holds incriminating evidence against a powerful crime boss, who kidnaps Tally's family to force his cooperation. With a serial killer among the captors, Tally must outwit both criminals and his own demons to save the hostages and his loved ones.
Release Information:
- Original Release Year: 2005
- Studio/Distributor: Miramax Films
- Edition Type: Theatrical Cut
Feature Presentation:
- Genre: Thriller, Action
- Audio: English (DD 5.1 Surround), English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
Technical Specifications:
- Format: DVD
- Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
- Video Quality: Standard Definition
Cast & Crew:
- Director: Florent Siri
- Main Cast: Bruce Willis, Kevin Pollak, Ben Foster
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売