Three unpopular brothers, Masaichi, Masaru and Masao, are struggling to be popular among the girls. Luckily enough, they finally get a chance to have a co-ed picnic with some pretty young ladies! With 21 free-associative episodes ranging from a nonsense ""sci-fi"" comedy to a dance-battle daydream,
FUNKY FOREST: THE FIRST CONTACT will challenge your mind and melt logic, as its unique characters find themselves in warped dimensions way past our imagination.
Six years after directors Shunichiro Miki, Katsuhito Ishii and Hajime Ishimine teamed up to deliver Funky Forest: The First Contact, Shunichiro Miki, flying solo this time, is back to deliver THE WARPED FOREST, a film full of nipple guitars, giant store owners, wiener guns and the Pinkie Pankie monster.
Funky Forest Disc
Funky Forest feature (150 mins)
Feature audio commentary by all 3 directors
Making of (70 mins)
Deleted Scenes (22 mins)
Katsuichi’s Dance Secret Treasure (7 mins)
Transfer Student is Here (5 mins) Warped Forest Disc
Warped Forest feature (82 mins)
Introduction by the director
Feature audio commentary by director Shunichiro Miki
Interview with director Shunichiro Miki (23 mins)
Making Of (12 mins)
Storyboards and illustrations
Wonderful Dwellers of Funky Forest (25 mins)
Reversible Sleeve with artwork from both movies
Limited to 2000 copies
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売
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