Blue Black Permanent is a haunting and magical film by Margaret Tait that weaves a poignant tale of memory, loss, and the enduring connection to the sea. Set between Edinburgh and Orkney, the story follows a woman's journey to reconcile her mother's death through vivid childhood memories, blending flashbacks and dream sequences with the islanders' deep relationship with the ocean. This is Margaret Tait's only feature-length film, a groundbreaking work as the first Scottish feature directed by a woman, now beautifully remastered in 2K and available on DVD and Blu-ray for the first time.
Release Information:
- Original Release Year: 1992
- Studio/Distributor: BFI
- Edition Type: Special Edition
Feature Presentation:
- Runtime: 86 minutes
- Genre: Drama, Art House
- Audio: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- Subtitles: Optional hard-of-hearing subtitles
Special Features:
- A Portrait of Ga (1953, 5 mins): Margaret Tait's hypnotic and deeply personal short documentary about her mother
- The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo (1955, 7 mins): Tait's entrancing interpretation of Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem
- Rose Street (1956, 15 mins): Tait's film about the Edinburgh street that runs parallel to Prince's Street
- Margaret Tait: Film Maker (1983, 34 mins): The director talks to video artist Tamara Krikorian in this portrait directed by Margaret Williams
- Film Poems Panel Discussion (2018, 31 mins): Curator Peter Todd examines Tait's work with Lucy Reynolds, So Mayer, and Anna Coatman in an onstage discussion filmed at the BFI Southbank
- Fully illustrated booklet with new writing by So Mayer, Peter Todd, Gerda Stevenson, and Sarah Neely, and full film credits (First Pressing Only)
Technical Specifications:
- Format: DVD + Blu-ray
- Region: Region 2
- Aspect Ratio: 1.66:1
- Video Quality: 1080p Full HD (Blu-ray), Standard Definition (DVD)
- Codec: PCM 2.0 stereo (48kHz/24-bit) for Blu-ray, Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo audio (320kbps) for DVD
Cast & Crew:
- Director: Margaret Tait
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