Monkey D. Luffy, the beloved protagonist of the iconic anime series One Piece, is ready to join your collection! Known as "Straw Hat Luffy," this fearless pirate captain dreams of becoming the Pirate King by discovering the legendary treasure left by Gol D. Roger. This collectible captures Luffy's youthful spirit and determination, making it a must-have for fans of the series.
Collectible Features:
- Officially licensed One Piece merchandise
- Model Number: BPR88185
- Child version of Monkey D. Luffy in a dynamic pose
- Part of the DXF The Grandline Series by Banpresto
Product Specifications:
- Brand: Banpresto
- Series: One Piece Film: Red
- Character: Monkey D. Luffy
- Material: Plastic
- Color: Multicolored
- Dimensions: 13.21 x 10.16 x 17.02 cm
- Weight: 226 g
- Number of Pieces: 1
- Assembly Required: No
- Batteries Required: No
- Age Rating: 14 years and up
- Language: English, Latin Spanish
Display Information:
- Perfect for desk or shelf display
- Stackable window box design
- UV-resistant vinyl material
- Highly detailed and vibrant design
- Ideal for One Piece collectors and anime enthusiasts
Don't miss the chance to add this unique Monkey D. Luffy statue to your collection. Its compact size and striking design make it a standout piece for any One Piece fan!
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売