From the beloved and long-running anime/manga series Doraemon, Honekawa Suneo is brought to life in this stunning Figuarts ZERO action figure. Known as the spoiled rich kid with a knack for mischief, Suneo is a fan-favorite character whose charm and personality shine through in this collectible piece.
Collectible Features:
- Officially licensed Doraemon merchandise
- Model Number: BAN03818
- Articulated arms and neck for dynamic posing
- Includes interchangeable expression pieces, including his classic arrogant winking face
Product Specifications:
- Brand: Bandai
- Series: Doraemon
- Character: Honekawa Suneo
- Material: Plastic
- Dimensions: 15.24 x 15.24 x 15.24 cm
- Number of Pieces: 1
- Assembly Required: No
- Batteries Required: No
- Age Rating: 15 years and up
Display Information:
- Perfect for desk or shelf display
- Stackable window box design
- UV-resistant vinyl material
- Highly detailed and accurate anime design
- Part of the Figuarts ZERO series, known for premium quality
Don't miss the chance to add this iconic character to your Doraemon collection. Pair him with his buddy Gian for the ultimate display!
スタンダード - ¥500 - ¥5,000以上お買い上げの場合は無料 - 発送後10-14営業日以内に配達されます。追跡不可。予約販売