Bring home the enigmatic and sinister charm of Gotham's deadliest threat with the McFarlane The Riddler Movie-Inspired Collectible Action Figure. This meticulously crafted 12-inch figure is based on the iconic character from the 2022 DC Batman Movie, offering fans an ultra-detailed and highly articulated collectible.
Key Features:
- Movie-Accurate Design: The Riddler figure captures the character's menacing look from the 2022 film, complete with intricate details and a multicolor finish.
- 12-Inch Display Size: Standing at 30cm tall, this figure is perfect for showcasing on shelves, desks, or in display cabinets.
- Included Accessories: Comes with an ice picker and a DC Multiverse branded wooden collector stand base for dynamic posing and display.
- Collectible Art Card: Features character photography on the front and a detailed biography on the back, adding value for collectors.
- Compatibility: Part of the DC Multiverse series, this figure pairs seamlessly with other McFarlane Toys DC Batman Movie figurines for expanded storytelling and display options.
Product Specifications:
- Material: High-quality plastic for durability and premium finish.
- Dimensions: 22.86 x 15.24 x 30.48 cm; 341 g.
- Age Rating: Suitable for ages 12 and up.
- Assembly Required: No.
- Batteries: Not required or included.
Whether you're a DC fan, a collector of movie memorabilia, or simply looking for a standout piece to add to your collection, the McFarlane The Riddler Action Figure is a must-have. Perfect for gifting or personal enjoyment, this figure is a tribute to one of Gotham's most notorious villains.
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