This gripping drama follows the lives of Janet Scott and Rachel Bailey, detectives from Manchester's Major Incident Team, led by the formidable DCI Gill Murray. Brilliant and ambitious at work, Scott and Bailey also have to juggle home lives fraught with personal dramas that test their friendship to the limit. Series 1 As Scott and Bailey take on difficult and horrific cases, Rachel finds her just-finished relationship far from over, while Janet struggles to curb a workplace affair. With careers on the line, there are some heart-rending decisions to be made... Series 2 The chaos of Rachel's personal life sees her on the wrong side of a murder investigation, but old-flame Sean's love and support are unwavering. Faced with another encounter with serial killer Geoff Hastings, Janet turns once more to colleague Andy Roper. Series 3 When Janet discovers the severed head of Eunice Bevan at the bottom of the stairs, and her bedridden husband upstairs, she can only guess at the horrors to come. And while newly-wed Rachel is struggling to embrace her marriage, Janet and Ade admit theirs is over. Series 4 When Janet and Rachel both make Sergeant, their newfound harmony is threatened. A fatal error puts Janet under investigation for the first time in her career, and Rachel's self-doubt threatens to undermine all that she's achieved.
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