Wonder Boys [2000] - Drama/Comedy [DVD]

Wonder Boys [2000] - Drama/Comedy [DVD]

Wonder Boys [2000] - Drama/Comedy [DVD]

Precio habitual €5,95
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BARCODE: 044007846827
Michael Douglas is Grady Tripp, a college professor and award-winning novelist whose latest book is seven years overdue. Among his current crop of students is James Leer (Tobey Maguire), a highly-talented young writer who, at a party held during the college's annual literary festival, accidentally manages to kill the Head of Department's dog. Grady helps James dispose of the beast, but one thing leads to another, and the pair soon find themselves on a strange odyssey involving drugs, bar fights, lost manuscripts, and stolen Marilyn Monroe memorabilia, with Grady reeling from the announcement that his mistress (Frances McDormand) is pregnant, and literary agent Terry Crabtree (Robert Downey Jr) doing his best to get James into bed. From  Wonder Boys is one of those films in which more twists and turns disrupt the life of the hero in one weekend than would bother most of us our whole lives. Professor Grady Tripp (Michael Douglas) is an aging one-novel wunderkind at a small Pittsburgh college who's labouring on his seven-years-in-the-making, 2000-plus-page second opus with no end in sight. The morning of the college's literary Glastonbury, WordFest, Grady's wife leaves him; that evening, his mistress (Frances McDormand) announces she's pregnant (she's also the Chancellor of the school, as well as the wife of Grady's boss). Grady's voracious editor (Robert Downey Jr) is also in town, transvestite date in tow, determined to read the highly anticipated new book; there's also the nubile student (Katie Holmes), who seems more than willing to ease Grady's pain. And then there's James Leer (Tobey Maguire), the mordant and brilliant writing student who's the catalyst for Grady's lost weekend, which involves a soon-to-be-dead blind dog, a stolen car and the jacket that Marilyn Monroe wore when she wed Joe DiMaggio. The writing and acting in this film is superb. Douglas, by turns dryly sarcastic and sincerely heartfelt , single-handedly makes up for years of alpha-male posturing as the passive pothead Tripp, and whoever thought of pairing him with the resilient McDormand is brilliant--they convey the complexities and history of their relationship in a single glance or movement. The rest of the cast also are exceptional, with Maguire in a breakthrough performance and Downey at his manic best. The ending may feel a little too pat, but after everything these characters have been through, it seems a just reward. --Mark Englehart,
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