Dive into the charming world of "Komi Can't Communicate," a beloved manga series by Tomohito Oda. This heartwarming story follows Shoko Komi, a high school girl with severe social anxiety, as she navigates the challenges of making friends and finding her voice. Perfect for fans of slice-of-life and school-life genres, this series offers a touching and humorous exploration of human connections.
Book Details:
- Author: Tomohito Oda
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
- Publication Date: 2021
- Language: English
- Pages: 192
About the Book:
- Follow Shoko Komi, a high school girl with severe social anxiety, as she embarks on a journey to make 100 friends.
- Key themes include friendship, overcoming social anxiety, and personal growth.
- Target audience: Teens and young adults who enjoy slice-of-life and school-life manga.
- Recognized for its unique storytelling and relatable characters.
- Beautifully illustrated with expressive artwork that brings the characters to life.
- High-quality print with durable binding for long-lasting enjoyment.
- Includes bonus content such as author notes and character sketches.
- Part of the ongoing "Komi Can't Communicate" series, with multiple volumes available.
Add "Komi Can't Communicate" to your manga collection today and experience the touching and humorous journey of Shoko Komi as she learns to connect with others and find her voice.
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