Experience the enchanting world of opera with Carolina Lopez Moreno's "Il bel sogno," a captivating collection of operatic arias by renowned composers such as Charpentier, Mozart, Puccini, Lehar, and Previn. This album is a heartfelt journey through the dreams and desires that resonate within us all, brought to life by Moreno's exquisite vocal artistry. Her performances are imbued with passion and emotion, making this recording a must-have for classical music enthusiasts and opera lovers alike.
Album Information:
- Artist: Carolina Lopez Moreno
- Format: Audio CD
- Release Type: Album
- Genre: Classical, Opera
Track Listing:
- Charpentier: Depuis le jour – [Duration]
- Mozart: Voi che sapete – [Duration]
- Puccini: O mio babbino caro – [Duration]
- Lehar: Vilja-Lied – [Duration]
- Previn: A Streetcar Named Desire – [Duration]
Release Details:
- Edition: Standard Edition
Package Contents:
- Physical Media: Jewel Case CD
Artist Bio:
Carolina Lopez Moreno, born into a family of Bolivian and Albanian heritage, began her vocal training at the age of 12 in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. A member of the choir of the Junge Oper in Stuttgart, Moreno has graced the stage as a soloist in notable performances such as Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana," Puccini's "Mess di Gloria," and Bizet's "Te Deum." Her rich cultural background and extensive training have shaped her into a versatile and compelling soprano, celebrated for her emotive performances and technical prowess.
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