Dive into the chilling and captivating world of "Haunting Adeline," a dark romance thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This gripping tale explores themes of obsession, love, and danger, blending gothic horror with psychological suspense. Perfect for fans of dark romance and thrillers, this book is a must-read for those who enjoy stories with complex characters and unexpected twists.
Book Details:
- Author: H.D. Carlton
- Format: Paperback
- Language: English
About the Book:
- Adeline Reilly returns to her late grandmother’s gothic mansion in Seattle, hoping for a fresh start. However, she soon discovers that she is not alone. Mysterious break-ins, roses appearing out of nowhere, and threatening messages that sound more like eerie promises reveal the presence of a stalker. As Adeline delves into her great-grandmother’s haunting journals, she uncovers a dark history that could lead to a grim future if she doesn’t fall in love with her stalker first.
- Key themes include obsession, love, danger, and psychological suspense.
- Target audience: Adults who enjoy dark romance, thrillers, and gothic horror.
- Part of the Cat and Mouse Duet series.
- Recommended reading order for the C&M Universe: Satan's Affair, Haunting Adeline, Hunting Adeline, Where's Molly.
- Warning: This book ends on a cliffhanger.
Immerse yourself in this dark and thrilling tale that will leave you breathless and eager for more. Perfect for fans of psychological thrillers and dark romance, "Haunting Adeline" is a story you won’t soon forget.
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