đ” Plenty Of Space - A versatile notebook that includes 192 dotted pages ideal as a notepad, exercise book, scketch book, address book, or memo pad. You can also use it as an academic diary for 2023-2024! It also includes a pocket in the back to keep safe some extra notes train tickets or receipts!
đ A5 Size - This fantastic notepad has ideal measurements of an A5 (15.6 x 21.6) making it easy to take it with you everywhere you need. Ideal for school, university or office use. Carry it with you in your backpack as one of your university essentials!
đ” Back To School - Be creative and pasionate about your day to day. This 2023-2024 diary gives you complete freedom to schedule and structure your weeks as it has no predefined structure. Use it as a calendar to organize events, write ideas, and notes and set your imagination free. Set your goals and achieve everything you want with a positive mentality thanks to Ryder Carrol's journal method!
đ 100% Official - At Erik we make sure our products are made of the best materials out there, partnering with the most popular brand and licenses on the market. We pride ourselves on providing quality and durable products since 1997.
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Der Import One-Stop Shop (IOSS) ist ein elektronisches Portal, das Unternehmen nutzen können, um ihre Mehrwertsteuerpflichten bei FernverkĂ€ufen von importierten Waren zu erfĂŒllen. Seit dem 1. Juli 2021 unterliegen alle in die EU importierten Waren mit einem Wert von bis zu 150 ⏠der Mehrwertsteuer. Es sollten keine zusĂ€tzlichen MehrwertsteuergebĂŒhren fĂŒr die Lieferung von Paketen in Europa unter 150 ⏠anfallen. FĂŒr Bestellungen ĂŒber 150 ⏠wird Ihre Bestellung DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) versendet.